marketing and consulting services...
is happy to consult and assist in the promotion
of client work whenever possible. We regularly recommend
the art work and photography of our clients when
appropriate to the many consultants, designers and
galleries we come in contact with. We also provide
custom artist websites
and promote these sites as part of our service.
the production and service side, we provide graphic
design, copy-writing and additional creative services
for marketing materials. We also provide referrals
to area professionals for any specialty outside
our skillset.
For an overview on pricing for all marketing services
see $marketing.
for limited editions...
keeping with the Certificate of Authenticity Model
designed by the World Printmakers, ArtSource provides
with forms like the one below. Keep this on record
for each of your projects to provide editors, galleries
and collectors with the answers they need to ascertain
authencity at any point.
Certificate gives artists who produce fine-art,
limited-editions the opportunity to distinguish
their work from posters or open edition reproductions.
By offering the information of the Certificate,
ArtSource not only guarantees the authenticity of
your work, but also helps you educater buyers as
to just exactly what they are spending their money
ArtSource Certificate of Authenticity attached to
each client print: